28 July 2013

Blessing in disguise.

Just read through my SOTA report book and memories just flooded back in my mind.
I remember how I struggled through every project and challenges in class but now when I reflect back on those years, I'm truly grateful to have been through all the tedious training. I can confidently tell others who weren't from SOTA that I have received a very unique education, anchored in the arts. Even though I left SOTA, it wasn't because I didn't like the school or the people there, but I knew that I wasn't cut out for IB and IB was not what I wanted to pursue. 

I also recalled that I was rather panicky whenever it was time for Teacher-Parent sessions in school cos I was afraid that the teachers might gonna tell my mom about how badly I've done and probably nag about my attitude for learning that particular subject. "I don't need others to tell me about my child, I'm certain that I know her better than they do." Now tears just welled up my eyes cos I couldn't be more thankful and assured that neither academics nor school can bring me down because I have my family who believes in me.

I do have conflicts with my parents like anyone else but nevertheless they have been a strong pillar that I can rely on. My mom used to tell me that she wasn't afraid that I failed my math but she was afraid that I would develop low self-esteem because I couldn't perform well. I just can't ask for better parents who truly cares for me, not weighing on my ability to perform, but simply because of their genuine love.

'But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.'
2 Corinthians 12:9

All glory to my dear Daddy God :')

06 May 2013


一直在琢磨“創作”對於我的定義時發現自己其實也不太清楚,也不想逼自己搞懂。我就是想要慢慢來。自己待在房間,外面飄著毛毛雨,這種時候怎麼可以不感性一下? 剛完成了我認為是創作的印章作品,是幾天努力下來的成果,在為這些印章合影的時候我有種說不出的滿足感和成就感。想到當初喜歡上刻印章的原因只是當成一種興趣,而且又是蠻獨特的手藝,可以做出和別人不一樣的東西。過程中也有不少人問我為什麼喜歡刻印章,為什麼就是要做印章呢? 我也說不出個所以然。也有人好奇我單刻印章不會覺得膩嗎?

當然會膩。會覺得無聊,會覺得累。可是印章這幾年陪著我,它不單單是一個興趣,而是一個創作的管道,是我的傑作,是我的創意,也是我的專業。當初我踏出第一步要賣我的作品時,我其實沒什麼自信。這種小玩意兒會有人想買嗎? 它算是手工藝品嗎? 我有很多很多的顧慮和不安。可是我還是做了。說我不知道失敗的重量也好,說我傻也罷,可是這種不計較失敗的心理才是我一直前進的關鍵之一。其實我膽小的要死,可是可能真的是傻吧,很多時候就豁出去了(至少對於我認為是對的事)。又膽小又沒自信,唯有創作可以讓我抒發一下腦里和心里的東西,我知道這是上帝的祝福。有時候我覺得創作的過程艱辛又沒人能體會,它不光鮮亮麗,也無法博得滿堂喝彩。既沒掌聲也沒鮮花。可是它就是那麼安靜,像一朵花需要慢慢的澆灌才會美麗的綻放。就是那麼的簡單又純粹的帶給你一點點幸福感,就像漆黑的夜空突然冒出來的一顆星星。想一想其實這恩典太適合我了,我不喜歡聚光燈,只喜歡很自在的做我自己,就算很不起眼,可是總有人欣賞,像我的印章一樣。


07 April 2013



最討厭 要下不下的雨

可惜未來總是 撲朔迷離
如果摔的越痛 才越會飛行
快把我 丟向最高的天空裡

不喜歡 別人說我幸運
他們不懂我有 多麼努力
雖然衝動永遠 比堅持容易

碰到的事 每一天都不同
有的給我眼淚 有的給我笑容
走過的曲折 就全變成彩虹

遇見的人 每一天都不同
偶爾失去什麼 偶爾學到什麼
每一天的我 要比 昨天遼闊


05 April 2013

He knows.

"O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up; 
you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue, 
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether."
~Psalm 139:1–4